Thursday, May 19, 2011


Her piercing angelic eyes penetrate every level of my body’s infrastructure
Leaving me breathless and paralyzed, I wonder;
Is it possible to love someone you’ve never met?

She's got me flying high and feeling lovesick
Too bad she will never ever know this
Someday, maybe one day everything will change
But until then I’ll take it to my grave
Darling I love you

Her smile radiates a glow that stirs the butterflies within me;
 Like bats being rudely woken from deep slumber
Now, I wonder;
Is it possible to ache in longing for someone you’ve never held in your arms before?

She's got me flying high and feeling lovesick
Too bad she will never ever know this
Someday, maybe one day everything will change
But until then I’ll take this to my grave
Baby I love you

Every picture of her tells a different story.
Each image reveals something new that only adds to her beauty
So, I wonder; 
 Is it possible for someone to be perfectly imperfect?
Is it possible to feel someone without touching?
Is it possible to give up and let go before it even begins;
To protect her from the inevitable painful end?

She's got me flying high and feeling lovesick
Too bad she will never ever know this
Someday, maybe one day everything will change
But until then I’ll take my secret to my grave
I love you

Am I really protecting her or am I being a coward?
Is it worth proving myself wrong by doing something?
Is it worth proving myself right by doing nothing?
Will either action or choice prove anything at all?
 Is it fair to keep her in the dark or does she have the right and deserves to know how I feel?

 She's got me flying high and feeling lovesick
Too bad she will never ever know this
Someday, maybe one day soon everything will change
Until then, I'll take the truth to my grave
My love I love you

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