Thursday, May 19, 2011

F.R.E.E. (forever rare eternally ethereal)

I am pure
I am innocent
Unlike you
Disillusioned fool

You will never get me
You can never have me
I am uncatchable
You will never tame me
You will never trap me
I am unstoppable

Free to do what I want when I want to
No cages and chains for me
Free from manipulation and stupidity
I am free
Free to be me

I am rare
I am beautiful
Unlike you
Imprudent tool

Forget you ever knew me
Forget you ever met me
I will never be your girl
Forget you ever saw me
Forget you ever kissed me
I will never be your toy

Free to do what I want when I want to
No cages and chains for me
Free from manipulation and stupidity
I am free
Free to be me

Did you really think I would give in to you?
Who do you think you are?
You’re nothing but a stepping stone
Just a waste of time

I am strong
I am wise
Unlike you
Revolting dupe

I can be cruel
I can be a bitch
Just like you
So fuck you too

You will never get me
You can never have me
I am uncatchable
You will never tame me
You will never trap me
I am unstoppable

Forget you ever knew me
Forget you ever met me
I will never be your girl
Forget you ever saw me
Forget you ever kissed me
I will never be your toy

Free to do what I want when I want to
No cages and chains for me
Free from manipulation and stupidity
I am free
Free to be me
I am free
Free to be me

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