Thursday, May 19, 2011

I'm Sorry

You went away and left a moon size hole in my heart

Now I'll sit here on my hopes and dreams and miss you forever

I'd rather you stay with me buried under pressure and patience

But I didn't know you had hopes and dreams of your own

I'm sorry dear for leaving you in the dark and out of my head

I'm sorry dear for ignoring your tears and what you said

Now I'll lay on this bed and wait for you to call me once again

When you went away I didn't know how to breathe without you

My stomach aches as I cry myself to sleep every night

I'd rather you stay with me but I didn't know you could love another

I'm sorry dear for leaving you in the dark and out of my head

I'm sorry dear for your tears and for what was left unsaid

I'm sorry dear for wasting your time

I'm sorry dear you are no longer mine

You went away and left me without anything worth leaving behind

  I can't recall you ever saying goodbye

I'll go away and replace this moon size hole with all you never were

I'm sorry dear for loving you more than you loved me

I'm sorry dear for letting you go so you could be free

I'm sorry I disappointed and failed you as a friend

I'm sorry dear... to close the book on you... this is the end

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