Sunday, December 16, 2012


What have I done?
 I have no one to blame but myself.
I’ve lost something I truly treasured.
 It’s my entire fault. 
This pain, this overwhelming ache is familiar yet new.

 How could this have happened? 
I hate myself so much. 
I always have.
 I deserve to suffer. 
I don’t deserve any of the good things in my life. 
I deserve to die, and I will soon enough. 

I really did try to do the right thing. 
I tried to make good choices.
 I made a serious effort to ignore the darkness, 
to cage the evil inside me, but it doesn’t work like that. 
The trick is learning to live with it and to control it.
 However, I failed.
 I am too weak and too stupid.

 I have fallen again. 
I don’t know how to pick myself up this time. 
Maybe this evil rising inside me will teach me how to make and survive the climb. 
Maybe this darkness will save me, and others, by taking my life. 
Maybe this is my fate. 

I thought I knew enough. 
I thought I understood enough, 
but now I feel so lost and confused. 
All I want to do is watch the blood flow out of my wrists
 and feel the comfort of knowing I will never break another heart and hurt another soul. 
I doubt my death will damage any hearts and souls, 
but if it does, it will only be a few and it will be the last time. 

She’s right. 
They all are. 
I am wrong.
 I see what they see now, but I can’t change any of it, not really. 
Not enough to satisfy them. 
I can’t be what they want and need me to be.

I didn’t think I could care so much for someone again. 
I didn’t believe I was capable of loving someone so much again.
 I was certain that I couldn’t be hurt again and that my heart was unbreakable.
 I didn’t consider non-romantic love though. 
I didn’t prepare myself for that. 

I love her so much.
 I miss her.
 I wish it didn’t have to end this way. 
I wish it didn’t have to end at all, 
but I know it’s for the best.
 She knows it too, if she doesn’t now, she will know it later. 
It hurts to know she is suffering, and because of me.
 All I want to do is help her, to save her, and ease her suffering.
 I wish I could make her happy.
 I enjoyed making her smile and feel good. 
I enjoyed spending time with her. 
I loved being her friend. 

I hope she finds someone who can help her, to make her happy,
 and be what she wants and needs. 
Although I don’t deserve it, I hope she will forgive me someday. 

Goodbye my lover. Goodbye my friend.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


What if you didn’t choose to leave?
What if you didn’t walk away from me?
What am I if you could just leave?
What am I if you could just leave me?

What if you hadn’t told me the truth?
What if I didn’t feel so goddamn used?
What if you came back just to leave again?
What if it all was just pretend?
What then?

All I know is I love you unconditionally   
All I know is I want you enthusiastically
All I know is I accept you wholeheartedly
That’s all I know

What if you didn’t break the promises you made?
What if you didn’t dig your own goddamn grave?
What if you owned up to your mistakes?  
What then?
It doesn’t really matter

‘Cause all I know is I love you unconditionally   
All I know is I want you enthusiastically
All I know is I accept you wholeheartedly
That’s all I know

That’s all I really know
That’s all I really know
That’s all I really know
That’s all I really know

I know I love you for all eternity
I love you, love you, oh oh
I love you, love you, oh oh
I love you 

Monday, October 22, 2012

Melt Into You

Today I missed you more than ever
I wish we could be together forever
I want to kiss and hold you
I want to melt right into you

The days you’re gone are so lonely
The days you’re here leave me wondering

When will you leave this time?
How long until you’re not mine, again?
I want to hold and kiss you
I want to melt right into you

The days you’re gone I’m so lonely
The days you’re here leave me wondering
Maybe when you’re done running
I might be far away done waiting

I’ll always welcome you with open arms
I’ll always be there to protect you from harm
I’ll always forgive you
I will always love you

The days you’re gone are so lonely
The days you’re here leave me wondering
The days you’re gone are so lonely
The days you’re here leave me wondering

Today I missed you more than ever
I wish we could be together forever
I want to kiss and hold you
I want to melt right into you

Saturday, October 20, 2012


I’m sad for those who suffer and don’t want to anymore
I’m sad for all the children who have no idea what’s in store
For their futures in this world made up of death and deceit
I wonder if they’ll care enough to one day believe
In a world most different than the one that exists now
A world of peace and love and light and maybe somehow
They’ll learn to lead and set the example instead of following like sheep    
Maybe they’ll learn to be anything than a fucking zombie

I’m sad for this country and the stupidity it creates
I’m sad so many think that their bullshit tastes great
That they’re holy, right, and just for all the lies that they tell
When in reality they’re nothing more than demons from hell
Who only care about themselves and being rich and in control
Of anything and everything and they don’t want us to know
That they poison and kill us and manipulate our minds
I’m sad that people know this and still think everything’s fine

I’m sad for our youth who are oblivious and naïve
Stupid, apathetic, rude, and ignorant like it’s a fucking disease
An epidemic of the worst kind, where did it all go wrong
Was it Twilight, MTV, or something from a song

I’m sad for the desperate, for the hungry, rich and poor
I’m sad for the abused, the neglected, and adored
I’m sad for the famous, for the whores and slaves
I’m sad for those who choose to drink their lives to the grave
I’m sad for you and me and what has become of planet earth
I’m sad for all the plants and animals that have suffered our wrath and curse
I’m sad because it’s sad to think of all these things
Amongst countless others that have hurt my brain
Because it’s overwhelming and driving me insane
Because these words are nothing but tears in the rain

Saturday, September 22, 2012

First Time

Never knew love ‘til I met you
Never knew beauty ‘til I saw you
Like seeing for the first time
Like breathing for the first time

I knew hate and I knew pain
You taught me to throw it all away
Now I know love and I know peace
And your love is all I’ll ever need

Time stands still when you’re around
And just one touch from you sends me to the clouds

Life’s too short and it moves too fast
Too precious to live in the past
All is love and all is now
So make every moment count

Time will pass you by without a sound
And with only one life to live, live it, live it now

Someday soon we’ll all be free
From the prison of lies and suffering
Truth is much more than it seems
Life is more than the American dream

Change is on the horizon
And love will shine bright with the rising sun

Never knew life ‘til I found you
Like living for the first time

Wednesday, August 15, 2012


The best is yet to come
Sooner than later for some
Fear will come undone
When we learn to be one

The best is yet to come
Later than sooner for some
Doubt will come undone
When we learn to be one

Illuminating the light of truth
Awakening to our true roots
The last revolution begins

The best is yet to come
Sooner than later for some
Hate will come undone
When we learn we are one

The best is yet to come
Later than sooner for some
Sadness will come undone
When we learn we are one

The best is yet to come
The best is yet to come
The best is yet to come

The last revolution begins
(The best is yet to come)
The last revolution begins
(The best is yet to come)
The last revolution begins

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Warning Sign

When you turn away
A bit of you is not okay
It builds until it floods
A rising of coming undone
Watch for the warning sign
Watch for the warning sign

A break from the decay
And pain and misery
All you’ve ever known to want
Peace deep within your thoughts
Watch for the warning sign
Watch for the warning sign

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Over The Rainbow

I could do better, if you were here with me
If you're wondering, I could show you
All that I'm feeling
All I've been wishing
Now, I'm waiting
Come set me free

Nowhere to go, nowhere to go, nowhere to go
Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, nowhere to seek
Somewhere she goes, someday she'll see

I could be better, if you wanted me
But you're wondering will it show.
All that I'm thinking is all I'm hoping
Now, you're waiting to be set free

Nowhere to go, nowhere to hide, nowhere to be
Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, nowhere to seek
Somewhere she goes, somewhere she lies deep asleep

We could better, if you let me be
The right one to set you free
All that I'm dreaming, all that I'm breathing
Is air of that which sets me free

Nowhere to go, nowhere to go, nowhere to be
Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, nowhere to seek
Somewhere I go, someday I'll find, somewhere I'll be
Somewhere you know, someday you'll find, somewhere we'll be
Somewhere over the rainbow, our destiny

Sunday, March 11, 2012


A wish for you to be here
Don't drown in your tears
Or lose yourself to fear
A wish for you to be here
I wish for you to be here

The day has come to heal
To run wild in the fields
Of all that used to be real
A wish for you to be here
I wish for you to be here

Free is not free, without you
Can you not see, I need you?

A wish for you to be here
To thrive in life without fear
Against the current of your tears
A wish for you to be here
I wish for you to be here

The dawn breaks as I ache
For you here by my side
A wish for you to be here
I wish for you to be here
Don't let me drown in my tears

Free is not free, without you
Can you not see, I need you?

I miss you
Do you miss me?
I love you
Can you forgive me?
I need you

Thursday, February 16, 2012

From Your Lips

I used to think about you all the time
Now I can't seem to get him off my mind
You used to be someone I loved
Who are you now, where did you come from? 

I used to think we could have it all
Now I see our end before our fall
You used to be so beautiful and bright
Now I just want you out of my sight

Out of my life
So I can begin anew
Out of my life
The fault, I blame you

You push me away 
When all I want is to be let in
You push me away
As if getting close is a sin
When you pushed me away 
My heart sounded the alarms
When you pushed me away
 You pushed me in to his arms

I used to think you loved me too
But those three words I never heard from you
You used to be so kind and true
Unlike this person you have now turned into

I used to think I could help you 
Though I tried, I just couldn't get through
You used to be so full of joy and light
Now I just want you out of my sight

Out of my life
So I can begin anew
Out of my life
The fault, I blame you

You push me away 
When all I want is to be let in
You push me away
As if getting close is a sin
When you pushed me away
My heart sounded the alarms 
When you pushed me away
You pushed me in to his arms

The thought of your name 
I hope to forget 
The sight of your face, I pray
To never see again
Good-bye, my love
Good-bye, my friend
This is the end
This is the end
This is the end
This is the end

Friday, January 20, 2012


Truth be told, you must tell the truth
A lie within a lie is no longer for our youth
I’m not bitter, oh and I’m not sweet
But tonight I will have you on your knees

Inspiration for motivation in this institution that needs intervention
Damnation all over televisions and radio stations run by corporations
Oh, freedom, freedom forever
Oh, freedom, freedom forever

Truth be told, it’s not about the words
It’s not the sounds of music
Not the singing of the birds
It’s not even about art nor is it about life
Truth be told, it’s all a lie, a lie, a lie, a lie

Inspiration for motivation in this institution that needs intervention
Damnation all over televisions and radio stations run by corporations
Oh, freedom, freedom forever
Oh, freedom, freedom forever

Truth be told, it’s all up to you
To change this world and be who you’re meant to
Now I’m not kidding, no I’m not fooling around
How long do you think you can hold your breath before you drown?

Deforestation, politicians, medications, murderous villains, pollution…
Oh, freedom, freedom forever
A nation under classification by organizations with no salvation except a revolution
With concentration we can awaken with no frustration or irritation to reach ascension
Oh, freedom, freedom forever
Freedom! Freedom! Forever!