Friday, January 20, 2012


Truth be told, you must tell the truth
A lie within a lie is no longer for our youth
I’m not bitter, oh and I’m not sweet
But tonight I will have you on your knees

Inspiration for motivation in this institution that needs intervention
Damnation all over televisions and radio stations run by corporations
Oh, freedom, freedom forever
Oh, freedom, freedom forever

Truth be told, it’s not about the words
It’s not the sounds of music
Not the singing of the birds
It’s not even about art nor is it about life
Truth be told, it’s all a lie, a lie, a lie, a lie

Inspiration for motivation in this institution that needs intervention
Damnation all over televisions and radio stations run by corporations
Oh, freedom, freedom forever
Oh, freedom, freedom forever

Truth be told, it’s all up to you
To change this world and be who you’re meant to
Now I’m not kidding, no I’m not fooling around
How long do you think you can hold your breath before you drown?

Deforestation, politicians, medications, murderous villains, pollution…
Oh, freedom, freedom forever
A nation under classification by organizations with no salvation except a revolution
With concentration we can awaken with no frustration or irritation to reach ascension
Oh, freedom, freedom forever
Freedom! Freedom! Forever!

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