Friday, March 1, 2013

No Fury Like

Here comes the agony twisting in knots of new yet familiar aches of hate and…       
There go the memories, gone forever like they never existed before…  

Within the fabric, my most precious gift from life
Deep in the plastic, the best of me now lost in time

Here comes the sickness rising inside with the burn and a sting of shame and regret and...  
There go memories, the very best of me, the most loved pieces that you threw away...  

Within the fabric, my most precious gifts from life
Deep in the plastic, the best of me now lost in time

And the suffering, the pain, the misery, the torment begins…
And the suffering, the pain, the misery, the torment begins…
And the suffering, the pain, the misery, the torment begins…
And the suffering, the pain, the misery, the torment begins now

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