Thursday, March 21, 2013

K. G-D.

 Art by Gregory De La Rosa

I’ve watched you cry many times before
Each time I walked out the door
Increasing the distance
Giving in to resistance

You see the world that’s unknown to me
I see the world you cannot believe
Enter the screaming
And dying for dreaming

As I stare out the window with the passing cars
You look right at me as if I am from Mars
No, you’re never quite happy right where you are

Keep on inventing shadows
Where there are none
No, there are none
Yeah, you keep on inventing shadows
Where there are none

You don’t even see the sun,
Can’t you see the sun?

It might be shocking that I want to leave
Just so you could be safe and happy
You just drain me
If I go, who could blame me?

And you stare out the window with the passing cars
And I look right at you like you are from Mars
No, I’m never quite happy right where you are
Right where we are
With all that we are

So we keep on inventing shadows
Where there are none
Where there are none
Yeah, we keep on inventing shadows
Where there are none
Where there are none

We’re so young, you’re so beautiful
Perfectly imperfect in my eyes
And don’t you know our love shines
Every time you smile
Why can’t you just smile?

Why do we keep on inventing shadows?
Where there are none?
Where there are none?
Yeah, we keep on inventing shadows
Where there are none
Where there are none

We don’t even see the sun
Can’t we see the sun?

It’s not surprising it could end like this
I knew it before our first kiss
I felt the distance
The cold and resistance

You dim the lights in the world I see
How I wish that I could still believe
In time to save me
If I go, who could blame me?

Friday, March 1, 2013

No Fury Like

Here comes the agony twisting in knots of new yet familiar aches of hate and…       
There go the memories, gone forever like they never existed before…  

Within the fabric, my most precious gift from life
Deep in the plastic, the best of me now lost in time

Here comes the sickness rising inside with the burn and a sting of shame and regret and...  
There go memories, the very best of me, the most loved pieces that you threw away...  

Within the fabric, my most precious gifts from life
Deep in the plastic, the best of me now lost in time

And the suffering, the pain, the misery, the torment begins…
And the suffering, the pain, the misery, the torment begins…
And the suffering, the pain, the misery, the torment begins…
And the suffering, the pain, the misery, the torment begins now

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

I'll Never Know

What went wrong I’ll never know
But it’s for the best oh that I’m sure
I see your face I want to cry
Such beauty that will never die

You seem so happy I hope you are
You deserve the best that life has to offer
One day I hope to see you again
And hear your voice like we’re still friends

I love you so much it hurts inside
Maybe I’m wrong but just maybe I’m right
If only I could kiss your lips
You would see by the sway of our hips

Our love is true but just a seed
Needing time and some company
And in the night it will grow
And blossom into something beautiful

With the dawn our love will rise
And echo throughout all thought and time
To forever change our known lives
And the future of all mankind

But what went wrong I’ll never know
You made a choice, maybe you chose wrong
But if you are happy where you are
Then I’ll stay right here but not too far
Because I love you my friend
And my love for you will never end

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Deja vu

Déjà vu, angry in my bones
Never knew, I was so alone
Is life more than this?
Hope life is more than this, for some

Déjà vu, all has gone wrong
Maybe you and I could get along
Me and you, could be happy
Together as if we were meant to be
Can life be better than this?
Hope life is better than this, for some

Déjà vu, I’m so confused
Lost and damaged, and you never knew
I can be more than this
I want to be more than this, for you

Is life more than this?
Hope life is more than this, for some
Can life be better than this?
Hope life is better than this, for some
I can be more than this
I want to be more than this, or none