Friday, October 21, 2011

Brand New Love

Knees so weak
Can only barely speak
My body paralyzed
As I stare into your eyes
Like seeing for the first time

A kiss so sweet
From you, is all I'll need
Your arms around me tight
Sends my heart flying high
Like breathing for the first time

A hug so warm
To keep me safe from harm
Your eyes burning bright
Please, take me home tonight
Like living for the first time

A fine romance
In this brand new love
A second chance
To be so keen on
A love so brand new
All I ever wanted was you

A love so pure
You have become my cure
The perfect remedy
For all my haunted dreams
Like sleeping for the first time

A life so grand
Together we take our stand
For everyone to see
As we embrace our destiny
Like love for the first time

A fine romance
In this brand new love
A second chance
To be so keen on
A love so brand new
All I ever needed was you

A marriage so strong
Never will you stand alone
Together we'll share
A life of love without fear
Like happiness for the first time

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