Monday, October 22, 2012

Melt Into You

Today I missed you more than ever
I wish we could be together forever
I want to kiss and hold you
I want to melt right into you

The days you’re gone are so lonely
The days you’re here leave me wondering

When will you leave this time?
How long until you’re not mine, again?
I want to hold and kiss you
I want to melt right into you

The days you’re gone I’m so lonely
The days you’re here leave me wondering
Maybe when you’re done running
I might be far away done waiting

I’ll always welcome you with open arms
I’ll always be there to protect you from harm
I’ll always forgive you
I will always love you

The days you’re gone are so lonely
The days you’re here leave me wondering
The days you’re gone are so lonely
The days you’re here leave me wondering

Today I missed you more than ever
I wish we could be together forever
I want to kiss and hold you
I want to melt right into you

Saturday, October 20, 2012


I’m sad for those who suffer and don’t want to anymore
I’m sad for all the children who have no idea what’s in store
For their futures in this world made up of death and deceit
I wonder if they’ll care enough to one day believe
In a world most different than the one that exists now
A world of peace and love and light and maybe somehow
They’ll learn to lead and set the example instead of following like sheep    
Maybe they’ll learn to be anything than a fucking zombie

I’m sad for this country and the stupidity it creates
I’m sad so many think that their bullshit tastes great
That they’re holy, right, and just for all the lies that they tell
When in reality they’re nothing more than demons from hell
Who only care about themselves and being rich and in control
Of anything and everything and they don’t want us to know
That they poison and kill us and manipulate our minds
I’m sad that people know this and still think everything’s fine

I’m sad for our youth who are oblivious and naïve
Stupid, apathetic, rude, and ignorant like it’s a fucking disease
An epidemic of the worst kind, where did it all go wrong
Was it Twilight, MTV, or something from a song

I’m sad for the desperate, for the hungry, rich and poor
I’m sad for the abused, the neglected, and adored
I’m sad for the famous, for the whores and slaves
I’m sad for those who choose to drink their lives to the grave
I’m sad for you and me and what has become of planet earth
I’m sad for all the plants and animals that have suffered our wrath and curse
I’m sad because it’s sad to think of all these things
Amongst countless others that have hurt my brain
Because it’s overwhelming and driving me insane
Because these words are nothing but tears in the rain